☕️ get $1 off your coffee and earn rewards when you check-in at Cafe Corazon in Austin, Texas


earn rewards. get coffee.

Discover local coffeeshops. Earn rewards.

1 bean for every $1 spent at partner cafes.

indie coffeeshops. all over the US.

We have a community-sourced database of independent & work-friendly coffeeshops serving craft coffee, tea, chai, specialty beverages, and fresh pastries.

search for the best.

Use our modern search-engine application to discover vetted coffeeshops that are known for not only quality coffee, but also work-friendly ambience, food, and accessible parking.

earn rewards everywhere.

We partner with cafes to offer a shop-agnostic loyalty & rewards program. This means that you can earn "beans" everywhere you go, while getting special offers & promotions from local shops.

blazing fast wifi guaranteed.

We run speed tests for every cafe's wifi network to ensure that internet speeds keep up with how fast you're moving, regardless of what work you need to get done.

check-in. earn cofibeans. get coffee.

cofipass partners with independently owned cafes and coffeeshops to track how much you spend each time you shop local. For every $1 spent at any partner cafe, users earn 1 cofibean, which can be redeemed for rewards like cold brew, lattes, and pastries. We pride ourselves in being the nation's first "shop-agnostic" rewards program, giving independent shops the chance to shine while staying competitive with custom shop-offers and incentives. Check-in at a local shop today to earn cofibeans.

premium quality coffee

creatively designed spaces

focus minded ambience

start grinding.

explore available cafes across the US


earn rewards. get coffee.

Copyright © 2021 cofipass, Inc. All rights reserved.

made with ☕️ in austin, tx